Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Miracle God

I want to feel you like ‘lectricity
coursing through my body–
Half eyes whole,
tainted blood clean.
My mere wishes twisted into faith,
Or divine dictation scribbled onto my soul?
I’ve stumbled down this road before,
Circling my doubt, tripping on uncertainty,
Never knowing if I
squeeze just one more ounce of faith out–
will you be
coursing through my body like lightning?
Mute man singing,
Lame man running.
Is it me or America that you hate?
Leaving longing faithless, leaving prayers tattered.
Maybe if I were a better man,
Maybe if we had more faith,
Maybe if I prayed more,
Maybe if we sang longer, louder, stronger
Maybe then you’d be shivering down our spines,
Leaving our wheel chairs to dance alone.
Barren woman weaning,
Dead man leaping.
Does your silence mean you’re angry?
Or do your miracles fade in the light of our TV screens?
Should I head for Africa or Asia or Argentina
To feel you like the sea thundering through me,
To see you growing hands like magician’s scarves?
(I can’t afford the airfare)
Are our needs less tantalizing, are our dead less tragic?
Are their prayers more potent, are their pleas more pleasing?
Are there things we need to change so you will
Heal lame bodies,
cure cancerous souls?
Or are we those you’ve destined to always be grabbing,
but never reaching the goal?
I want to give up, to go back to not believing,
But even more
I want to feel you like ‘lectricity,
Coursing through my body,
To see you flood America with miracles
Like when you walked in Galilee,
Deaf man hearing,
blind man seeing,
diseased man dancing,
possessed man praising.
dead man raising,

You moving through me.

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