Friday, July 4, 2008

Jesus for President and Abortion

I was recently reading the book Jesus for President and was startled to see the authors make a statement I often hear from abortion supporters. The statement is basically, "If you are not willing to adopt, you shouldn't speak out against abortion." I think I understand their intent in making this statement. We who are pro-life should be compassionate toward women in difficult situations, and we should be part of the solution. If this is what is meant by the statement, I agree. However, I find the statement itself to be rather, well . . . stupid.
I mean no disrespect to the authors, who seem very intelligent, or to anyone else who has uttered this phrase. But having a lack of people willing to adopt newborn children is not a problem. So, even if a pro-lifer is unwilling to adopt, it is likely they know someone who is willing.
But there is a greater problem with this statement than just not knowing the current U.S. adoption scene. This statement also also seeks to silence those who can't adopt either because of age or for financial or for other reasons. Inability to solve, or help solve a problem shouldn't preclude one from speaking out about it. Everyone should be free to speak out about injustice, whether five or fifty, whether rich or poor.
And finally, the statement does nothing to address the real problems of abortion, for the unborn child, or for the mother.


Rebecca said...

I agree.
What is "Jesus for President" about?
Wouldn't Jesus be soft on terrorism? ;)

Paul Rivas said...

It's about a lot of things, but the main idea is that as Christians we should not be attaching ourselves to any political party or agenda. Jesus is our leader.