Thursday, November 15, 2007

Not Everything You Get Through Email Is True

Atheists are not trying to get T.D. Jakes or Touched By An Angel off the air. Einstein never confronted an atheist professor. New U.S. coins do not omit "in God we trust". These and other "critical" forwarded emails assault me ever so often and I'm tired of it. The truth about these issues can be easily checked in a few minutes at or some other source. Take a minute and check it out.
Sometimes I wonder if the people sending these warnings out even read them at all. Or just have really bad memories since many of these false warnings have the same message with only small details being changed.
Lets not waste our time rallying people to oppose nonexistent threats when there are many real causes we should unite for.

1 comment:

Will Craig said...

I completely agree. I forwarded this to over 300 people on my email list to make them aware of this!