Tuesday, January 6, 2009

An Altar Call

Toby and I have been studying the Civil War and subsequently slavery. This led to my son asking, "Does slavery still exist today?" Unfortunately the answer is "Yes."
This is hard for some people to believe. When I first brought this issue to the attention of some of my friends I was met with skepticism and disbelief. But slavery exists today, and denying it or excusing it away will do nothing to end it. Action is needed.
I read somewhere (probably Sojourner's magazine) that the altar call was started by abolitionist preachers. When people responded to Christ their faith was immediately put into action by signing up for the abolitionist movement.
Becoming a Christian also meant becoming an Abolitionist.
The same should be true today.
Become a modern day Abolitionist. Check out these resources and get involved:
Call + Response
Not for sale

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